/ Call for Papers: India-EU Engagements: A Decade in Reflection and Way Forward

India and the EU are currently redefining their roles as actors within the International relations. Amidst recent developments and challenges stemming from Brexit, European Sovereign Debt Crisis, andChina’s Belt and Road Initiative, there is a pressing concern to accelerate India-EU cooperation to a heightened level. The potential gains of an effective partnership between the two are enormous.
In this connection, we invite participants including academicians, early-stage researchers, and doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate students, to reflect on the various intricate dimensions to India-EU relations. The conference seeks to bring together a growing body of work in the area of the European Union’s relations with India, with the intention of mainstreaming theoretical as well as methodological approaches to the topic. The slow, yet, anticipated cooperation between the two becomes a point of departure for researchers on both sides of the geographical spectrum to probe into the very intricacies that lie within them.
Topics include but are not limited to the following themes:
1. India-EU Trade Relations, Business Cooperation, Economic Cooperation
2. Cooperation in the field of Education: Higher Education, Primary and Secondary Education
3. Convergences and Challenges for EU and India: Politics, Energy, Security, Climate Change, Terrorism, Cyber-security, Science and Technology
4. India and EU: Cultural and Literary Engagements
More information please see here
For the submission of abstract and any further information regarding the conference, please write to projects.mces@manipal.edu.